Need to get the word out about an upcoming event? This is the place for you!
The promote event form is an essential step in making sure your event is promoted with utmost efficiency. Please submit your event 6-8 weeks before it is set to take place. It is important that you take into consideration the following rules and guidelines before submitting a promote event:
Emails, phone calls, texts, word-of-mouth “messages”, and the like run the risk of being lost or forgotten; or they simply may not contain all of the information needed to promote an event. As such, we cannot guarantee your event will be promoted if you request event promotion using any method outside of the promote event form.
Please use this form or our identical physical form here any time you need to promote or update an event. Completed hard copies may be with the office assistant in the front church office (200).

Whatever information you provide is the information that will run. Therefore, it is vital that you complete the promote event form in its entirety. Make sure to provide all relevant information. This includes but is not limited to: times, dates, costs, deadlines, links to relevant off-site registration forms or websites that are sponsoring your event (if needed), times etc. 

Advance notice is crucial. Time (weeks, not days or hours) is needed in order to effectively communicate your event across the church body. For any event being promoted through the church website and/or TV monitor announcements and/or requiring online registration, 6–8 weeks minimum is essential. Most events fall under this category. For smaller announcements or events, 4 weeks’ minimum is acceptable.

Please understand, there are a great number of ministries that request event promotion regularly. It takes time to prepare this information for various promotional avenues, and sufficient lead-time is absolutely necessary in order to do so. Therefore, we ask that you please respect the given time frames for advanced notice (and thereby those creating and promoting your event) to the best of your ability. This guideline is beneficial not only for us but also for you, as you are allowing more time for people to see, plan, and prepare for your event.

Any last-minute requests and/or event forms received outside of these suggested time frames cannot be guaranteed to run in whatever capacity requested.
At present, online registration is only available for large-scale events (trips, conferences, church-wide happenings, etc.) and/or when requested by a senior staff minister or director. 
We will try to accommodate promotional requests outside of these stipulations if possible, but following these guidelines is the best way to guarantee your event reaches the eyes and ears of those you want to hear about it.
Please remember, there are many ministries and many events happening throughout the church body. As such, we need to allow everyone time to have their event promoted. Length of promotion is at the sole discretion of the executive assistant.
Please also be advised that we only promote ministries of the church in the monthly newsletter, on the website, through TV announcements, via social media, and the like. In some instances, ministries and personal events outside of Trinity can be promoted through small groups. We greatly appreciate your understanding in this matter.


Need to get the word out to the community about an upcoming church event? This is the place for you! The Multimedia/Promote Event Form is the single most important and essential step in making sure your external event is promoted with utmost efficiency. Multimedia is a fast-paced and constantly growing cultural presence that can be a vital tool in extending Christ’s ministries of the church body externally through social media, or online digital broadcasting. It is important that you take into consideration the following rules and guidelines before completing this form:

Video, production, and editing can be requested via form request, in addition to promotion.
Advance notice is crucial. Time (weeks, not days or hours) is needed in order to effectively communicate

your event across all social media platforms, and media outlets.
Any event being promoted externally, through social media, and TOF media outlets, in the form of

social media post, promotional videos, or highlight reels, advance notice is important: 6–8 weeks minimum is ideal. For smaller events, 2-3 weeks’ notice is acceptable.

Please understand, there are a great number of ministries that request event promotion regularly. It takes time to prepare this information, generate content, edit, produce, and post for various promotional avenues, and sufficient lead-time is absolutely necessary in order to do so. Therefore, we ask that you please respect the given time frames for advance notice (and thereby those creating and promoting your event) to the best of your ability. This guideline is beneficial not only for us but also for you, as you are allowing more time for people to see, plan, and prepare for your event.

Any last-minute requests and/or event forms received outside of these suggested time frames cannot be guaranteed to run in whatever capacity requested.

Whatever information you provide is the information that will be posted. Therefore, it is vital that you complete the multimedia form in its entirety. Make sure to provide ALL relevant information. This includes but is not limited to: times, dates, costs, deadlines, links to relevant off-site registration forms or websites that are sponsoring your event (if needed), times etc. We cannot research this information for you.

At present, online registration is only available for large-scale events (trips, conferences, church-wide happenings, etc.) and/or when requested by a senior staff minister or director.

We will try to accommodate promotional requests outside of these stipulations if possible, but following these guidelines is the best way to guarantee your event reaches the eyes and ears of those you want to hear about it.

Please be advised that we only promote ministries of the church externally via social media, media outlets, and the like. In some instances, ministries and personal events outside of Trinity can be promoted through small groups or personal media outlets. We greatly appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Have further questions about the promotion process? Email for multimedia promotional materials OR for in house promotions.